
Pursuant to Section 8/A(2) of the Act on National Security Services, the National Information Centre shall perform governmental information and decision support activities. The information used in this manner is conducive to making decisions that serve the interests of Hungary in the areas of foreign and security policy, economy and energy security. Pursuant to Section 8/A(3) of the Act the analysis, information and coordination activities performed by NIK cover all information conferred upon cooperating organisations.

The Act also provides that the tasks of NIK are manifold and our material competence covers but is not limited to:
conveying the decision maker's needs for information to the cooperating organisations,
summarising and assessing information received from cooperating organisations,
making proposals to determine the level of terrorist threat in Hungary,
attending to professional coordination and preparing risk analyses in respect of security threats posing a high risk to national security in the context of managing situations justifying the imposition of special legal order.